Tips on how to enlarge the penis using folk remedies

Penis enlargement can be achieved using folk remedies

It seems that everyone has long forgotten about the power of folk remedies. We will correct this omission and tell you which recipes really make your penis bigger, and at the same time debunk a couple of myths.

Problems of small penis size have plagued the male part of humanity for a long time. And in hoary times, when there were no current surgical and pharmaceutical services, people managed to get out of it in the simplest ways. Centuries later, they are already called "folk proven methods. "However, many of them are worthless, even dangerous.


Every day of a business man is scheduled almost to the minute. Therefore, we have prepared several effective methods that are always at hand.

Infusions and fees

NUP begins to work only under conditions of good health and strong nerves. Growth of the phallus is unlikely under stress. Infusions and preparations will help kill two birds with one stone. They improve well-being, relieve nervous tension, and this contributes to an increase in the size of the organ.

We recommend:

  • ephedra infusion + peppermint– It’s extremely simple to prepare: pour 1 tablespoon of the mixture with a glass of boiling water, let it sit for an hour, and strain. Get a glass of a tonic, stimulant. Do not overdo the dosage, otherwise you will get the opposite effect;
  • motherwort + valerian– your strong nerves, restful sleep. Brew a teaspoon per glass of boiling water;
  • hop– the decoction wonderfully relaxes the penis after intense training. Baths for 15 minutes work wonders;
  • Hop decoction for relaxation after penis enlargement exercises
  • calendula, yarrow– concentrated infusions in the form of lotions will heal any wounds (take 2 tablespoons per 0. 5 liter of water);
  • blooming Sally– will relieve all inflammatory processes. Use 1 cup of decoction per day (1 sachet per glass);
  • A decoction of healing fireweed tea will protect a man from inflammation
  • golden root, penny– increase potency regardless of age. You need to take 1 tbsp. l. , pour 1 liter of hot water, cover with a towel and leave for 12 hours. Take half a glass a day before meals.

Do not abuse infusions that work to increase erection. You will run into such a thing as priapism (a prolonged erection that is not tied to excitement inside the head). Our urologists say that vascular impotence with priapism develops even within 2-3 hours.

A couple more scary remarks:

  • ginseng– a stimulant for older men. Until the age of 35, it is not needed at all, otherwise you will develop hypertension and insomnia;
  • chamomile, popular among NUPers, does not work against the background of increased acidity of gastric juice. Taking it for more than a month causes weakness and irritability.

Our opinion:We support infusions and decoctions with both hands. This is a powerful support for the body during intense training.

Honey and soda

We know a universal recipe that increases blood circulation in the genital area, relieves inflammation, pain, improvesA mixture of soda and honey is a folk remedy for increasing blood circulation in the peniscondition of veins

Do this (preferably at night):

  • mix soda and honey (1: 2);
  • apply the mixture to a gauze bandage;
  • apply to the penis;
  • put on a plastic bag, secure with adhesive tape;
  • leave for 10 minutes, rinse;
  • complete a course of 7 procedures.


The key to this topic is the bee sting. It is believed that herthe poison increases hemoglobin, reduces bad cholesterol, has a vasodilating, tonic effect. In fact, this is true. Mellitin, an active "bee" substance, works to dilate blood vessels. But the method is problematic to implement and poses a risk of side effects.

We advise you not to take risks and take bee products internally:

  • beebread– leads in the amount of vitamins (C, P, E, D), fatty acids, amino acids, is a protein reserve, a source of arginine for NUPer;
  • For those wishing to enlarge the penis, it is useful to include bee bread in the diet.
  • royal jelly– activates metabolism, kills staphylococcus and other bacteria, accelerates growth. There are amino acids necessary for NUPer, vitamin B1, B12 and, of course, a powerful effect on hematopoiesis;
  • Royal jelly helps accelerate penis growth
  • dead bee– pure dead meat contains low molecular weight chitosan, drone jelly, propolis, wax, honey, pollen, bee venom. All the components make this thing a unique product - prepare ointments and tinctures based on it, get rid of problems with potency and the prostate gland.
  • Dead bees are effective in increasing male potency

Our opinion:advanced NUPers manage to replace clamping - enlargement of the phallus with bee stings. We warn against such actions. A strong allergic response and Quincke's edema have not yet been canceled.After a painful procedure, the phallus will swell at the site of the bite, when the poison resolves, it will return to its original state.


They say this method originated in Stalin’s camps. Of course, it is painful and unpleasant.

Get to know the procedure:

  • sterility conditions are created, including on the penis;
  • Up to 20 cubes of Vaseline are pumped into a disposable syringe;
  • the phallus is pulled at the base;
  • the drug is injected into the barrel, controlling uniform spreading;
  • the skin is treated with a solution of potassium permanganate.

Our opinion:give up this idea! Otherwise, the good uncle surgeon will cut off everything that is valuable. A foreign body will provoke the development of a tumor, and this can only be solved surgically, including through complete amputation of the organ. There is a risk of infection, angioedema - this is the path to resuscitation. We recommend practicing jelq, which is safer.

Vietnamese balm and laundry soap for the penis

If there is a piece of laundry soap lying on the shelf, it can be used to strengthen male power. It is necessary to thoroughly soap the genitals and shaft, excluding the head area, leave the foam for 15-20 minutes. When the foam dries, it is washed off with warm water. The process is repeated 2-3 times weekly.

It’s easier to use a ready-made product for these purposes – soap to stimulate penis growth.

Another option -Vietnamese balm. Apply it to the trunk along with baby cream. This will increase blood circulation and support the effectiveness of vascular techniques. Don’t forget to thoroughly dilute the balm in the cream (a match head is enough), otherwise you will experience a burning sensation and loss of sensitivity.

Our opinion:Don’t waste your time with laundry soap; it’s better to buy a good cream, gel, or spray for penis enlargement. We take Vietnamese balm into our collection of drugs for NUP.


In penis enlargement, sodium bicarbonate demonstrates antihistamine, bactericidal, and anti-inflammatory properties. It may also work for whitening the phallus.

Do this:

  • take gauze, moisten it with water (apple cider vinegar will do);
  • sprinkle with baking soda;
  • apply to the penis;
  • cover with parchment paper and secure with an elastic bandage;
  • leave the bandage on for 2 hours;
  • carry out a course of 10 procedures.
You can increase the size of your penis using a compress of soda


We like that leeches themselves look for a "tasty" place where they want to attach themselves. They choose biologically active (acupuncture) points where the Chinese like to poke needles. The essence of this action is to improve the condition of blood vessels and get rid of blood clots.

Practicing NUPers put leeches together with the ex on. It is believed that suchThe "leech" push greatly enhances traction and outstrips the effectiveness of the badyagi. Plus, the action of leeches well loosens the tunica albuginea. This will work when the penis is pulled out by the pump.

There is undoubtedly a reason for this approach. Leeches really dissolve blood clots and increase male potency. If you don't mind, you can take it.


After drinking the decoction and removing the leeches, you can begin to take more decisive action.


With the help of physical education, you can pump up any part of the body, even the penis. Despite the fact that there are no muscles, some exercises give the desired effect.

Here are some useful practices:

  • stretching– manual technique, in which the trunk is stretched to its maximum length;
  • Stretching the penis will increase the length of the organ
  • jelqing– effective stretching technique that works to increase length and girth;
  • breathing exercises– the complex is needed for maximum saturation of tissues and organs with oxygen. Learn to breathe from your belly, taking deep breaths in and out. This will enhance the effectiveness of your training.
  • Breathing exercises will make other penis enlargement techniques more effective

Hanging weights on the penis

Alternatively, you can steal a pair of weights weighing 500 g from the market. But, in the world there are more modern, convenient hangers that work just as well as weights. This is a working method to lengthen the penis.

Let us warn you: if you do not take the load into account, you will tear the ligaments. You will have to grieve over the complete loss of erection.

Shamans will not help you make your penis bigger, unlike self-hypnosis

Magic and conspiracies

For greater efficiency, experts suggest turning to higher powers, supposedly the size of the penis can be increased with the help of spells, runes and other magical sacraments. Whispering grandmothers, shamans with tambourines, magicians and sorcerers are not our option. The maximum benefit that can be derived from this action is self-hypnosis about great male dignity.

Vacuum cleaner

Another exotic method from our selection today. It is, of course, extremely simple to implement, and its operation vaguely resembles a pump. However, there is no room for experimentation here.

Believe meeven a low-power unit will suck the penis so that it ends in self-harm. Methods of penis enlargement using a vacuum cleaner lead to problems such as bleeding, injury, inflammation. With such a bouquet you will forget about a good sex life and training for a couple of weeks.

Our opinion: We are, of course, not prudes, but the method is far from hygiene standards and the very idea of a healthy NUP! Zooming in with a vacuum cleaner is dangerous. We recommend purchasing a good pump.

Psychological support for the right attitude in penis enlargement

Psychological method and self-hypnosis

We are talking about the so-called psi support of the NUPer. As a rule, programs are designed for 28 days. At this time, you need to view and listen to files (2 times a day, morning and evening), after which there is a two-week break. Then the process is repeated.

Support calms nerves, triggers self-hypnosis, increases self-confidence. During this period, it is better to focus on manual techniques.

Our opinion: the psychological method is not harmful, the main thing is that the headphones are good and the settings are pleasant to the ear.

Old-fashioned methods of enlargement

We looked through medical almanacs that were published in the 18th and 19th centuries and found several original recipes.

Here are some of them:

  • self-massage– carried out on a heated organ with stretching movements for 5-6 minutes. The technique is reminiscent of classic training for penis growth and gives almost the same results. Massage is useful for the genitourinary system, potency, blood circulation, increases the ability of tissues to stretch;
  • activation of biologically active points– a kind of shiatsu massage, only on the penis. Stimulation through light touch increases blood circulation. We know the benefits of better blood supply.


Traditional methods are a good support for penis enlargement programs. However, we warn against frankly strange methods of influence. Not all recipes are equally useful, and some of them can be harmful.